by Wolfgang Mostert | Dec 29, 2023 | Regulation
The paradigm shift in development aid towards the financing of ‘global common goods’ Wolfgang Mostert, development economist and historian. December 2023 In the 1960s, development in the developing countries was interpreted as synonymous with economic...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Jul 20, 2023 | Political comments
Quran burning is vandalism Wolfgang Mostert,, 20. july 2023 “You have written and underlined in the Quran!” Yasser, a 23-year-old Egyptian friend, was shocked. Yasser stayed with me for a couple of months to improve his knowledge of...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Jun 16, 2023 | Political comments
Maria Jose Landeira Østergård, Chair of the (Danish) Women’s Council, argues in articles published in the Danish newspapers Information and Altinget in favour of the adoption by Denmark of ‘feminist foreign policy’ which makes “equality between the sexes...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Nov 14, 2022 | Regulation
Udviklingsbistanden 60 år efter folketingets vedtagelse – hvad er status i 2022? Wolfgang Mostert, cand.oecon. & phil. (historie) November 2022 Da Folketinget i 1962 enstemmigt vedtog ”Lov om teknisk samarbejde med udviklingslandene” – indtil da havde Danmark...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Oct 20, 2022 | Climate Policy, Energy Policy
EU som helhed er ramt af en absolut nedgang i naturgasforsyningen, kernekraft- og vandkraftproduktion, og af en bytteforholdsforringelse på flere procent af BNP som følge af stigende internationale priser på naturgas, kul og olie. Putin havde allerede forud for...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Jun 29, 2022 | Energy Policy, Regulation
Er EU’s sanktioner mod Rusland langtidsholdbare? Wolfgang Mostert, energiøkonom, cand.oecon. & phil. (historie) juli 2022 Det Europæiske Råds informationsmateriale om EU’s seks sanktionspakker i 2022 forklarer: ”Formålet med de økonomiske sanktioner er at...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Feb 22, 2021 | Regulation
Migration driven by relative poverty: a challenge without real solutions Wolfgang Mostert, cand.oecon&phil. development economist and historian. 19.02.2021 The EU asylum system has failed. The Dublin Convention stipulates that the first EU...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Feb 18, 2021 | Regulation
Fattigdomsmigration en udfordring uden reelle løsningerWolfgang Mostert, cand.oecon&phil. , energi- og udviklingsøkonom. 19. februar 2021 EU’s asylsystem har spillet fallit. Dublinkonventionen fastslår, at det første EU-land, der modtager en asylansøger,...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Feb 4, 2021 | Regulation
The Story of Unrestricted Press Freedom from 1770-73 mirrors the Freedom of Expression Dilemma of modern Social Media By Wolfgang Mostert, cand.oecon. & phil. January 2021Whereas the internet and its social media platforms is a modern...
by Wolfgang Mostert | Sep 16, 2020 | Political comments
Is Denmark a racist country? By Wolfgang Mostert, economist and historian. 16 September 2020 Until the mid-1960s, the Danish population was exceptionally homogenous in terms of ethnic and religious background: 99% of the population...