Full Cost Pricing in Situation of severe Energy Poverty
The paper “Pricing of Energy in Times of Change – Some Key Issues” from 1995 analyses the difficulties involved in energy price policies for economies in transition.
Avoided Cost Pricing
Avoided cost pricing has come out of fashion. The paper “Design of a Power Purchase Tariff. Côte d’Ivoire” written in 1997 for EETC and World Bank shows the methodology.
Shadow Prices for Non-Monetary Benefits of Renewable Energy
The paper from 2004 “The Portfolio Value of Price Certainty offered by Renewable Energy” shows how to estimate the economic value of price certainty in economic feasibility studies for grid connected renewable energy.
The paper from 2004 “The Consumption Value of Electricity from Renewable Energy” analyses to what extent “subjective” consumer preferences for a given energy technology can be shadow priced.