Public Utility Commission, Latvia
The report for the Ministry of Economy/World Bank from 2004 “Review and Experience of Latvian Multi-Sector Regulator, Public Utility Commission PUC and the Municipal Regulator System with Recommendations for new Set-Up and Approaches” was written together with Gatis Kristaps. Multi-sector regulatory agencies offer advantages in terms of economies of scale and of scope; yet they are too seldomly established.
Regulation of Downstream Petroleum Industry
The report “Oil Sector Liberalisation of Small Petroleum Markets in Africa and in Central America – The Experience” for the World Bank/Frigo is from 1999. It analyses the experience of downstream oil sector liberalisation in various countries and draws lessons for the frameworks of smaller African oil markets.
Framework for Private Investment in Windfarms, Egypt
The report for NREA/World Bank/GEF “Framework for Commercial Wind Farm Investments in Egypt. Economic Analysis and Options for Barrier Removal” from 2005 provides in the annexes methodologies for the economic evaluation of windfarms and comparisons of alternative policy instruments for the development of a market for wind turbines.
The report for NREA/Danida/World Bank “Development of a Commercial Windfarm Market in Egypt. Economic Analysis and Regulatory Options” was written in 2003 together with Prof. Adel Khalil and Torben Brabo. shows the long-term economic feasibility of wind energy in the form of a “technology supply curve” and presents the contours of a comprensive policy, institutional, regulatory and finance framework for wind energy in Egypt.
Frameworks for Private Investment in grid-connected Renewable Energy, Ukraine
The identification of policies and pricing methodologies for charges to connect renewable energy systems to the transmission and distributiuon grids is a tricky issue. Establishing an appropriate concession regime for hydropower systems up to 20 MW is not a straightforward task either.
Promotion of dendro-power in Sri Lanka
Dendro-power depends on ways to design an appropriate supply chain. The report “Development of Grid-Connected Biomass Energy Projects in Sri Lanka” how an action research-initial investment program can deliver it.