Compared to the other EU-27 countries, how good is Denmark in energy efficiency and which instruments have worked? See the Review of Energy Efficiency Policies in Denmark from 1990-2009 commissioned by the World Bank.
Public Sector Role in Environmental Finance
The paper commissioned by KfW “Framework for Environmental Finance: the Role of the Public Sector” has two charts that may be particularly useful for practitioners. One shows a generic framework for energy efficiency and renewable energy comprised of demand side-, supply side- and bank engagement instruments. The other shows how subsidy schemes can be evaluated using the three criteria of impact effectiveness, allocative efficiency and equity, all broken down by relevant sub-criteria.
Energy Strategies in EU Countries
The paper “Energy Strategies in EU Countries” presented at a MED-ENEC seminar in Cairo in 2007 provides an overview of EU member country policies and explains the interaction between formulation of policies at EU level and implementation at national level.
Policy & Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy, Nicaragua
The World Bank/ESMAP publication “Unlocking Potential, Reducing Risk: Renewable Energy Policies for Nicaragua” presents a coherent policy and framework for the promotion of renewable energy – hydropower, wind energy and geothermal energy) in Nicaragua.
SWAp for Energy Sector, Uganda
“The Possibility of a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) to the Energy Sector in Uganda”, Ministry of Energy/NORAD, 2005.
Energy & Poverty, PEAP Mozambique
The objective of the “Development of a PEAP (Poverty Eradication Action Plan)-relevant approach for the energy sector’s contribution to PARPA II in Mozambique” task financed by NORAD for Ministry of Energy / National Energy Directorate in 2005 was to define an approach which better reflected the economic development and poverty-eradication impact of the energy sector than previous attempts.
Reforms in Eastern Europe. Status in 1994
The paper “Current Situation in the Energy Sector in CEE Countries. An Overview“, presented at a Synergy Seminar in 1994, gives an overview of the issues arising from the transition process in the energy sectors of Central and Eastern European countries at that time.
Household Energy Strategy, Bolivia
“Bolivia Household Rural Energy Strategy”, ESMAP/World Bank 1992